In this chapter, we are going to convert synchronous code to asynchronous inside ASP.NET Core. First, we are going to learn a bit about asynchronous programming and why should we write async code. Then we are going to use our code from the previous chapters and rewrite it in an async manner.
在本章中,我们将在 Core 内部将同步代码转换为异步代码 ASP.NET。首先,我们将学习一些关于异步编程的知识,以及为什么要编写异步代码。然后,我们将使用前几章中的代码并以异步方式重写它。

We are going to modify the code, step by step, to show you how easy is to convert synchronous code to asynchronous code. Hopefully, this will help you understand how asynchronous code works and how to write it from scratch in your applications.

14.1 Whatis Asynchronous Programmming?

Async programming is a parallel programming technique that allows the working process to run separately from the main application thread. As soon as the work completes, it informs the main thread about the result whether it was successful or not.

By using async programming, we can avoid performance bottlenecks and enhance the responsiveness of our application.

How so?

Because we are not sending requests to the server and blocking it while waiting for the responses anymore (as long as it takes). Now, when we send a request to the server, the thread pool delegates a thread to that request. Eventually, that thread finishes its job and returns to the thread pool freeing itself for the next request. At some point, the data will be fetched from the database and the result needs to be sent to the requester. At that time, the thread pool provides another thread to handle that work. Once the work is done, a thread is going back to the thread pool.

It is very important to understand that if we send a request to an endpoint and it takes the application three or more seconds to process that request, we probably won’t be able to execute this request any faster in async mode. It is going to take the same amount of time as the sync request.

The only advantage is that in the async mode the thread won’t be blocked three or more seconds, and thus it will be able to process other requests. This is what makes our solution scalable.

Here is a visual representation of the asynchronous workflow:

Alt text

Now that we’ve cleared that out, we can learn how to implement asynchronous code in .NET Core.
现在我们已经清除了它,我们可以学习如何在 .NET Core 中实现异步代码。

14.2 Async,Await Keywords, and Return Types

The async and await keywords play a crucial part in asynchronous programming. By using those keywords, we can easily write asynchronous methods without too much effort.
async 和 await 关键字在异步编程中起着至关重要的作用。通过使用这些关键字,我们可以轻松地编写异步方法,而无需太多努力。

For example, if we want to create a method asynchronously, we need to add the async keyword next to the method’s return type:
例如,如果我们想异步创建一个方法,我们需要在方法的返回类型旁边添加 async 关键字:

async Task<IEnumerable<Company>> GetAllCompaniesAsync()

By using the async keyword, we are enabling the await keyword and modifying how method results are handled (from synchronous to asynchronous):
通过使用 async 关键字,我们将启用 await 关键字并修改方法结果的处理方式(从同步到异步):

await FindAllAsync();

In asynchronous programming, we have three return types:

  • Task, for an async method that returns a value.
  • Task, for an async method that does not return a value.
  • void, which we can use for an event handler.

What does this mean?

Well, we can look at this through synchronous programming glasses. If our sync method returns an int, then in the async mode it should return Task — or if the sync method returns IEnumerable, then the async method should return Task<IEnumerable>.
好吧,我们可以通过同步编程眼镜来看待这一点。如果我们的同步方法返回一个 int,那么在异步模式下它应该返回 Task — 或者如果同步方法返回 IEnumerable,则异步方法应返回 Task<IEnumerable>。

But if our sync method returns no value (has a void for the return type), then our async method should return Task. This means that we can use the await keyword inside that method, but without the return keyword.
但是,如果我们的同步方法不返回任何值(返回类型为空),那么我们的异步方法应该返回 Task。这意味着我们可以在该方法中使用 await 关键字,但没有 return 关键字。

You may wonder now, why not return Task all the time? Well, we should use void only for the asynchronous event handlers which require a void return type. Other than that, we should always return a Task.

From C# 7.0 onward, we can specify any other return type if that type includes a GetAwaiter method.
从 C# 7.0 开始,我们可以指定任何其他返回类型(如果该类型包含 GetAwaiter 方法)。

Now, when we have all the information, let’s do some refactoring in our completely synchronous code.

14.2.1 The IRepositoryBase Interface and the RepositoryBase Class Explanation

We won’t be changing the mentioned interface and class. That’s because we want to leave a possibility for the repository user classes to have either sync or async method execution. Sometimes, the async code could become slower than the sync one because EF Core’s async commands take slightly longer to execute (due to extra code for handling the threading), so leaving this option is always a good choice.
我们不会更改提到的接口和类。这是因为我们希望为存储库用户类保留同步或异步方法执行的可能性。有时,异步代码可能会变得比同步代码慢,因为 EF Core 的异步命令执行时间稍长(由于处理线程的额外代码),因此保留此选项始终是一个不错的选择。

It is general advice to use async code wherever it is possible, but if we notice that our async code runes slower, we should switch back to the sync one.

14.3 Modifying the ICompanyRepository Interface and the CompanyRepository Class

In the Contracts project, we can find the ICompanyRepository interface with all the synchronous method signatures which we should change.
在合同项目中,我们可以找到 ICompanyRepository 接口,其中包含我们应该更改的所有同步方法签名。

So, let’s do that:

    public interface ICompanyRepository
        Task<IEnumerable<Company>> GetAllCompaniesAsync(bool trackChanges);
        Task<Company> GetCompanyAsync(Guid companyId, bool trackChanges);
        void CreateCompany(Company company);
        Task<IEnumerable<Company>> GetByIdsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> ids, bool trackChanges);
        void DeleteCompany(Company company);

The Create and Delete method signatures are left synchronous. That’s because, in these methods, we are not making any changes in the database. All we’re doing is changing the state of the entity to Added and Deleted.

So, in accordance with the interface changes, let’s modify our CompanyRepository.cs class, which we can find in the Repository project:


public class CompanyRepository : RepositoryBase<Company>, ICompanyRepository
    public CompanyRepository(RepositoryContext repositoryContext) : base(repositoryContext) { }

    //public IEnumerable<Company> GetAllCompanies(bool trackChanges) =>
    //    FindAll(trackChanges).OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();

    //public Company GetCompany(Guid companyId, bool trackChanges) =>
    //    FindByCondition(c =>
    //    c.Id.Equals(companyId), trackChanges)
    //    .SingleOrDefault();

    //public IEnumerable<Company> GetByIds(IEnumerable<Guid> ids, bool trackChanges) =>
    //    FindByCondition(x => ids.Contains(x.Id), trackChanges).ToList();

    public void CreateCompany(Company company) => Create(company);
    public void DeleteCompany(Company company) { Delete(company); }

    public async Task<IEnumerable<Company>> GetAllCompaniesAsync(bool trackChanges) => 
        await FindAll(trackChanges).OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToListAsync();

    public async Task<Company> GetCompanyAsync(Guid companyId, bool trackChanges) => 
        await FindByCondition(c => c.Id.Equals(companyId), trackChanges).SingleOrDefaultAsync();
    public async Task<IEnumerable<Company>> GetByIdsAsync(IEnumerable<Guid> ids, bool trackChanges) => 
        await FindByCondition(x => ids.Contains(x.Id), trackChanges).ToListAsync();

We only have to change these methods in our repository class.

14.4 IRepositoryManager and RepositoryManager Changes

If we inspect the mentioned interface and the class, we will see the Save method, which just calls the EF Core’s SaveChanges method. We have to change that as well:
如果我们检查提到的接口和类,我们将看到 Save 方法,该方法仅调用 EF Core 的 SaveChanges 方法。我们也必须改变这一点:

public interface IRepositoryManager
    ICompanyRepository Company { get; }
    IEmployeeRepository Employee { get; }

    // void Save();
    Task SaveAsync();


And class modification:


//public void Save() => _repositoryContext.SaveChanges();
public Task SaveAsync() => _repositoryContext.SaveChangesAsync();

Because the SaveAsync(), ToListAsync()… methods are awaitable, we may use the await keyword; thus, our methods need to have the async keyword and Task as a return type.
因为 SaveAsync(), ToListAsync()… 方法是等待的,我们可以使用 await 关键字;因此,我们的方法需要有异步关键字和任务作为返回类型。

Using the await keyword is not mandatory, though. Of course, if we don’t use it, our SaveAsync() method will execute synchronously — and that is not our goal here.
但是,使用 await 关键字不是强制性的。当然,如果我们不使用它,我们的 SaveAsync() 方法将同步执行——这不是我们的目标。

14.5 Controller Modification

Finally, we need to modify all of our actions in the CompaniesController to work asynchronously.

So, let’s first start with the GetCompanies method:
公司控制器异步工作。因此,让我们首先从 GetCompanies 方法开始:

public async Task<IActionResult> GetCompanies()
    var companies = await _repository.Company.GetAllCompaniesAsync(trackChanges: false);
    var companiesDto = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<CompanyDto>>(companies);
    return Ok(companiesDto);

We haven’t changed much in this action. We’ve just changed the return type and added the async keyword to the method signature. In the method body, we can now await the GetAllCompaniesAsync() method. And that is pretty much what we should do in all the actions in our controller.

我们在这个行动中没有太大变化。我们刚刚更改了返回类型,并将 async 关键字添加到方法签名中。在方法主体中,我们现在可以等待 GetAllCompaniesAsync() 方法。这几乎是我们在控制器中的所有操作中应该做的事情。

So, let’s modify all the other actions.


[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "CompanyById")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetCompany(Guid id)
    var company = await _repository.Company.GetCompanyAsync(id, trackChanges: false);
    if (company == null)
        _logger.LogInfo($"Company with id: {id} doesn't exist in the database.");
        return NotFound();
        var companyDto = _mapper.Map<CompanyDto>(company);
        return Ok(companyDto);


[HttpGet("collection/({ids})", Name = "CompanyCollection")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetCompanyCollection([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(ArrayModelBinder))] IEnumerable<Guid> ids)
    if (ids == null)
        _logger.LogError("Parameter ids is null");
        return BadRequest("Parameter ids is null");
    var companyEntities = await _repository.Company.GetByIdsAsync(ids, trackChanges: false);
    if (ids.Count() != companyEntities.Count())
        _logger.LogError("Some ids are not valid in a collection");
        return NotFound();
    var companiesToReturn = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<CompanyDto>>(companyEntities);
    return Ok(companiesToReturn);


public async Task<IActionResult> CreateCompany([FromBody] CompanyForCreationDto company)
    if (company == null)
        _logger.LogError("CompanyForCreationDto object sent from client is null.");
        return BadRequest("CompanyForCreationDto object is null");
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        _logger.LogError("Invalid model state for the CompanyForCreationDto object");
        return UnprocessableEntity(ModelState);
    var companyEntity = _mapper.Map<Company>(company);
    await _repository.SaveAsync();
    var companyToReturn = _mapper.Map<CompanyDto>(companyEntity);
    return CreatedAtRoute("CompanyById", new { id = companyToReturn.Id }, companyToReturn);


public async Task<IActionResult> CreateCompanyCollection([FromBody] IEnumerable<CompanyForCreationDto> companyCollection)
    if (companyCollection == null)
        _logger.LogError("Company collection sent from client is null.");
        return BadRequest("Company collection is null");
    var companyEntities = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Company>>(companyCollection);
    foreach (var company in companyEntities)
    await _repository.SaveAsync();
    var companyCollectionToReturn = _mapper.Map<IEnumerable<CompanyDto>>(companyEntities);
    var ids = string.Join(",", companyCollectionToReturn.Select(c => c.Id));
    return CreatedAtRoute("CompanyCollection", new { ids }, companyCollectionToReturn);


public async Task<IActionResult> DeleteCompany(Guid id)
    var company = await _repository.Company.GetCompanyAsync(id, trackChanges: false);
    if (company == null)
        _logger.LogInfo($"Company with id: {id} doesn't exist in the database.");
        return NotFound();
    await _repository.SaveAsync();
    return NoContent();


public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateCompany(Guid id, [FromBody] CompanyForUpdateDto company)
    if (company == null)
        _logger.LogError("CompanyForUpdateDto object sent from client is null.");
        return BadRequest("CompanyForUpdateDto object is null");
    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
        _logger.LogError("Invalid model state for the CompanyForUpdateDto object");
        return UnprocessableEntity(ModelState);
    var companyEntity = await _repository.Company.GetCompanyAsync(id, trackChanges: true);
    if (companyEntity == null)
        _logger.LogInfo($"Company with id: {id} doesn't exist in the database.");
        return NotFound();
    _mapper.Map(company, companyEntity);
    await _repository.SaveAsync();
    return NoContent();

Excellent. Now we are talking async.

Of course, we have the Employee entity as well and all of these steps have to be implemented for the EmployeeRepository class, IEmployeeRepository interface, and EmployeesController.
当然,我们也有 Employee 实体,所有这些步骤都必须为 EmployeeRepository 类、IEmployeeRepository 接口和 EmployeesController 实现。

You can always refer to the source code for this chapter if you have any trouble implementing async code for the Employee entity.
如果您在为 Employee 实体实现异步代码时遇到任何问题,则始终可以参考本章的源代码。

After the async implementation in the Employee classes, you can try to send different requests (from any chapter) to test your async actions. All of them should work as before, without errors, but this time in an asynchronous manner.
在 Employee 类中实现异步后,您可以尝试发送不同的请求(来自任何章节)来测试异步操作。所有这些都应该像以前一样工作,没有错误,但这次是以异步方式。
