Pro C#10 CHAPTER 29 WPF Notifications, Validations, Commands, and MVVM


WPF Notifications, Validations, Commands, and MVVM

This chapter will conclude your investigation of the WPF programming model by covering the capabilities that support the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern. The first section covers the Model-View- ViewModel pattern. Next, you learn about the WPF notification system and its implementation of the Observable pattern through observable models and observable collections. Having the data in the UI accurately portray the current state of the data automatically improves the user experience significantly and reduces the manual coding required in older technologies (such as WinForms) to achieve the same result.
Building on the Observable pattern, you will examine the mechanisms to add validation into your application. Validation is a vital part of any application—not only letting the user know that something is wrong but also letting them know what is wrong. To inform the user what the error is, you will also learn how to incorporate validation into the view markup.
Next, you will take a deeper dive into the WPF command system and create custom commands to encapsulate program logic, much as you did in Chapter 25 with the built-in commands. There are several advantages to creating custom commands, including (but not limited to) enabling code reuse, logic encapsulation, and separation of concerns.
Finally, you will bring all of this together in a sample MVVM application.

Introducing Model-View-ViewModel
Before you dive into notifications, validations, and commands in WPF, it would be good to understand the end goal of this chapter, which is the Model-View-ViewModel pattern (MVVM). Derived from Martin
Fowler’s Presentation Model pattern, MVVM leverages XAML-specific capabilities, discussed in this chapter, to make your WPF development faster and cleaner. The name itself describes the main components of the pattern: model, view, view model.

The Model
The model is the object representation of your data. In MVVM, models are conceptually the same as the models from your data access layer (DAL). Sometimes they are the same physical class, but there is no requirement for this. As you read this chapter, you will learn how to decide whether you can use your DAL models or whether you need to create new ones.
Models typically take advantage of the built-in (or custom) validations through data annotations and the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface and are configured as observable to tie into the WPF notification system. You will see all of this later in this chapter.

© Andrew Troelsen, Phil Japikse 2022
A. Troelsen and P. Japikse, Pro C# 10 with .NET 6,


The View
The view is the UI of the application, and it is designed to be very lightweight. Think of the menu board at a drive-thru restaurant. The board displays menu items and prices, and it has a mechanism so the user can communicate with the back-end systems. However, there isn’t any intelligence built into the board, unless it is specifically user interface logic, such as turning on the lights if it gets dark.
MVVM views should be developed with the same goals in mind. Any intelligence should be built into the application elsewhere. The only code in the code-behind file (e.g., MainWindow.xaml.cs) should be directly related to manipulating the UI. It should not be based on business rules or anything that needs to be persisted for future use. While not a main goal of MVVM, well-developed MVVM applications typically have very little code in the code-behind.

The View Model
In WPF and other XAML technologies, the view model serves two purposes.
•The view model provides a single stop for all the data needed by the view. This doesn’t mean the view model is responsible for getting the actual data; instead, it is merely a transport mechanism to move the data from the data store to the view. Usually, there is a one-to-one correlation between views and view models, but architectural differences exist, and your mileage may vary.
•The second job is to act as the controller for the view. Just like the menu board, the view model takes direction from the user and relays that call to the relevant code to make sure the proper actions are taken. Quite often this code is in the form of custom commands.

Anemic Models or Anemic View Models
In the early days of WPF, when developers were still working out how best to implement the MVVM pattern, there were significant (and sometimes heated) discussions about where to implement items like validation and the Observable pattern. One camp (the anemic model camp) argued that it all should be in the view model since adding those capabilities to the model broke separation of concerns. The other camp (the anemic view model camp) argued it should all be in the models since that reduced duplication of code.
The real answer is, of course, it depends. When INotifyPropertyChanged, IDataErrorInfo, and INotifyDataErrorInfo are implemented on the model classes, this ensures that the relevant code is close to the target of the code (as you will see in this chapter) and is implemented only once for each model.
That being said, there are times when your view model classes will need to be developed as observables themselves. At the end of the day, you need to determine what makes the most sense for your application, without over-complicating your code or sacrificing the benefits of MVVM.

■Note There are multiple MVVM frameworks available for WPF, such as MVVMLite, Caliburn.Micro, and Prism (although Prism is much more than just an MVVM framework). This chapter discusses the MVVM pattern and the features in WPF that support implementing the pattern. I leave it to you, the reader, to examine the different frameworks and select the one that best matches your app’s needs.

The WPF Binding Notification System
A significant shortcoming in the binding system for WinForms is a lack of notifications. If the data represented in the view is updated programmatically, the UI must also be refreshed programmatically to keep them in sync. This leads to a lot of calls to Refresh() on controls, typically more than are absolutely necessary in order to be safe. While usually not a significant performance issue to include too many calls to Refresh(), if you don’t include enough, the experience for the user could be affected negatively.
The binding system built into XAML-based applications corrects this problem by enabling you to hook your data objects and collections into a notification system by developing them as observables. Whenever a property’s value changes on an observable model or the collection changes (e.g., items are added, removed, or reordered) on an observable collection, an event is raised (either NotifyPropertyChanged
or NotifyCollectionChanged). The binding framework automatically listens for those events to occur
and updates the bound controls when they fire. Even better, as a developer, you have control over which properties raise the notifications. Sounds perfect, right? Well, it’s not quite perfect. There can be a fair amount of code involved in setting this up for observable models if you are doing it all by hand. Fortunately, there is an open source framework that makes it much simpler, as you shall soon see.

Observable Models and Collections
In this section, you will create an application that uses observable models and collections. To get started, create a new WPF application named WpfNotifications. The application will be a master-detail form, allowing the user to select a specific car using a ComboBox, and then the details for that car will be displayed in the following TextBox controls. Update MainWindow.xaml by replacing the default Grid with the following markup:
